After three years in which the Covid-19 pandemic prevented evangelistic missions on the ground, the Countryside Mission, in partnership with Emanuel University, resumed its activity with fresh forces. Through the mercy of God, during the period of June 18th-26th, three teams made up of brothers and sisters from Romania, the United States and other European countries served through evangelism, VBS activities and practical help the communities of Scornicești (Olt), Satu Nou (Bacău) and the community of Ukrainian refugees in Cluj-Napoca. We are grateful for the support of the Romanian Baptist Churches in Cleveland, Atlanta, and Chicago, who supported us with human resources in this ministry.
During this period, we were overwhelmed by the joy of seeing how the young people who accompanied us dedicate themselves to the work of God and mature in the field of the Gospel, forgetting about phones, social media and getting involved body and soul in a work that brings glory to God. This is one of Countryside's goals: to develop a missionary lifestyle, to form disciples with strong characters, who make themselves available to God's call. The students from Emanuel University got involved in the Countryside Mission again this year and we hope that in the coming years even more of them will taste the beauty of the missionary life. During that week of intense activity, I felt that we were a family striving for a common goal, even though we served in different locations, and that goal is the glory of God in the salvation of souls. The word of God has been sown in hundreds of souls, small and great, and we believe that, by God's grace, in due time we will enjoy the fruits. We urge you to continue to support Countryside Mission in prayer and pray that those who have heard the gospel will be renewed through being born again!
Countryside Mission 2022 (June 18-26)
- Gaius Văduva, Director UEO Development Office -